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Globalists Strike Back With A Major Push Toward A Cashless Society

100sThat is the headline of an article I received today on The Economic Collapse site. If you don’t have time to read the whole thing, or you are put off by the author/site’s Christianity, here are some interesting links and takeaways.

(The reference to the globalists striking back is in regard to the nationalist movements in Britain, US, Italy, France, etc.)

Europe is on the move to eliminate cash

The reason for eliminating cash

“The globalists ultimately plan to completely eliminate cash, and this will give them an unprecedented level of control over humanity.” It’s all part of the New World Order we’ve been hearing about for the past few decades.

“There is already a push to eliminate larger bills. “This is a perfect way to transition to a cashless society without creating too much of an uproar.  By setting a maximum legal level for cash transactions and slowly lowering it, in effect you can slowly but surely phase cash out without people understanding what is happening.”

Cash needs to be eliminated to fight terrorism.

“Europol said cash was still the “instrument of choice” for terrorists and 500 euro notes were in high demand, though they’re not popular for everyday transactions. ”

“Paper money fuels corruption, terrorism, tax evasion and illegal immigration—so the U.S. should get rid of the $100 bill and other large notes.”

On a personal note, a friend told me last year that while traveling to Portugal she went to a grocery store in France and when she tried to spend Euros there, she was informed they no longer accept cash.

Meanwhile, Microchipping of Humans is Increasing.

People are getting RFID chips in their hands in Australia for convenience.

“I’ve had more opposition to my tattoos than I’ve ever had to the chip. My friends are jealous.”

10,000 people worldwide are believed to already have microchip implants

New Nevada bill outlaws microchipping of humans.

However, outlawing RFID chipping of humans may be a moot point with President Trump’s Executive Order that includes a push for biometrics, which is also of course needed to fight terrorism.

For many people, enforced chipping by the government is their line in the sand. Perhaps self-reliant people, preppers, etc., already do a lot of bartering and expect to do more in the future, and many have a cache of silver and gold as a hedge for hard times, so they may be saying, “so what?” However, when interfacing with the system, such as paying property taxes, bartering and metal don’t fly. What are we supposed to do then? This is one more turn of the screw.


One comment on “Globalists Strike Back With A Major Push Toward A Cashless Society

  1. Eddy Winko
    February 16, 2017

    Paying bills are a challenge and so it seems that you must always keep your toe in the water of the mainstream! Luckily we sell soap for our cash flow 🙂

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