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Plan to Stop Forced Vaccinations

When it comes to refusing vaccines, members of the public need to assert their right to informed consent or they will lose it. That’s the message Dr. Rima E. Laibow and Major General Albert N. Stubblebine, had for Infowars listeners Nov. 11, 2015 (starting at 51:24). People should be saying NO to enforced vaccination, fluoride, pharmaceutical drugs, and other harmful technologies being forced on modern humans.


Our DNA is Under Attack

The general and his wife said our genes are a “battle space,” where we are being genetically modified with genomicidal technologies.

“The purpose is to dumb you down and kill you,” said the general, who was a key figure in America’s military machine when he retired in 1984 as commanding general of US Army strategic intelligence forces throughout the world.

“I’m following the principles of war, one of which is mass, and we need all of you, all of you, to say no…everybody,” Major Stubbelbeine said. “We have 36 (vaccines) right now and there are more in the pipeline. It’s going to be mandatory. Everyone of those is going to have poisons in it that you do not want in your body. You as the population need to object. You need to refuse…you have to say no.”

What’s so bad about vaccines?

“We see that the United States, because of its vaccines, has the highest infant mortality rate in the developed world. Even Zimbabwe has a lower mortality rate…” according to Dr. Laibow, a psychiatrist with an MD from Albert Einstein College of Medicine, where she was a neurology researcher. She is a health activist and outspoken critic of Codex Alimentarius.

Other reasons she cited during the interview for rejecting vaccines:

Flouride in water, food, or in many vaccines, is synergistically toxic with the aluminum and the mercury in vaccines — making it 10,000 times more toxic.

Nagalese is an enzyme that blocks the immune system and appears to be introduced in vaccines.

Concern that combining widely subscribed statin drugs, phsyciotric drugs, and diabetes drugs with fluoride and vaccines results in a toxic brew that harms physical and mental health.

Here is a TruthReports interview with whistleblower, former pharma saleswoman, Brandy Vaughan, and founder of The Council For Vaccine Safety.

“I think one of the most important things we can do to stop the great culling is to never take another vaccine,” Dr. Laibow said.

She says call the vaxers bluff

To help people say no, the couple is promoting Advanced Vaccine Directive cards through the Web site They say each member of the family should have a signed and dated card with them at all times. The directive covers any circumstance where vaccine use is threatened.

There is limited case law on the issue of vaccination rights, according to TruthReports, but their card is based on the latest US Supreme Court “I Do Not Consent” case, where the Court said, you have a “privacy interest in preventing a government agent from piercing the… skin.” (Missouri vs McNeely, 133 S.Ct. 1552, 2013).

Laws on vaccination may be limited, but the law on advance health directives, is well established. Once you have asserted your right to informed consent, anyone who violates it is committing malpractice, assault, battery, and a variety of other crimes, according to the interview. If you don’t assert your rights they are deemed to be waved.

Unfortunately, the cards cost $25 for the first one with discounts for more. I guess the upside is the that money is supposedly accumulating for a legal fund to defend the Vaccine Advance Directive in court. You can read the General Brief and get the card at Go Fund Me.

“It’s really important for people to understand that the card that we devised is not just some airy fairy thing. It’s very real…You have a right under informed consent to make an advanced health directive, to say what you’re intention is, what you’re consenting to before the event,” said the Major.

Do treaties and international codes apply to vaccine freedom?

Treaties supercede national law, Dr. Laibow points out. The Geneva Convention says you have the right to refuse medical treatment without pressure, prejudice, and punishment, and you can’t be forced to give up a right to get a benefit.

The Nuremberg Code says: the “person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved, as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision.”

You can learn more about the Advance Directives at the FAQs

“The Natural Solutions Foundation is predicated on the belief that people own this Republic of ours. Decisions that impact the lives of people must be made through a democratic process in which their voices are heard and counted and, in so far as possible, should be left to the individual to make for him/herself. That is the United States left to us by our Founding Fathers, the United States we believe in and the United States we participate in. We do not warm to the prospect of a United States of America controlled and run through the lies by huge multi-national corporations and deceptive special interests.”

If all this sounds reasonable and normal so far, you may be disappointed to know that the FDA sent Dr. Laibow, Ralph Fucetola, and the crack legal team at Natural Solutions Foundations (an international NGO), a warning in 2014 to stop making therapeutic claims for the silver solution they sell.

But it gets worse. Dr. Laibow is controversial for her interest in UFOs, and General Stubblebine, though he was inducted into the Military Intelligence Hall of Fame, is suspect for both his interest in developing a battalion of psychic warriors, trying to walk through walls, (see The Men Who Stare at Goats by Jon Ronson), and challenging the party line about what hit the Pentagon on 9-11.

There is speculation on the Internet that Laibow and Stubblebine are two master mind controllers. What do you think?


This entry was posted on November 15, 2015 by in Alternative Healing, Current Events & Signs of the Times and tagged , , , .
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